

Family of Niels Julius Hessler aka Julius Russell Kuler

Niels Julius Hessler aka Julius Russell Kuler [1833-1903]
1st union
2nd union
3rd union
married 1857
4th union
5th union
married 1866
6th union
married 1879
Maren Haagensen
Maren Andrea Larsdatter
Anne Marie Müller
Anne Larsdatter
Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe
(Mary Pierson Swenson)
Kate Elizabeth Rogers
1 child 1 child 3 children 1 child 1 child 5 children

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This page is dedicated to providing and soliciting genealogical information (photos, documents, stories, etc.) on the family of my great great grandfather Nils Julius Hessler aka Julius Russell Kuler. Julius was a complicated person and somewhat of a scoundrel. He had children with at least six different women. Unraveling his life has been a challenge for his descendants with his life compartmentalized into what seems to have been four basic time periods:

1) his early life in Norway/Europe from his birth in 1833 until his departure to America around 1859 (about 33 years)
2) his early life in America including California from his immigration around 1859 until his departure to Texas around 1866 (about 7 years)
3) his early life in Texas from his arrival in Bosque County, Texas until he was sent away by his wife Mary, my great great grandmother, in 1866 or 1867 (a period of less than a year)
4) his later life in Texas (in which he changed his name) from his departure from Bosque County to the end of his life (about 36 years)

For 40+ years about the only thing I knew of him was from his early life in Texas. Briefly, Julius married my widowed great-great grandmother Mary Pierson Swenson in Bosque County, Texas in 1866. She had two young children at the time and was soon pregnant with his child. Shortly after becoming pregnant, she learned that he had a "secret side" to his life. Because of this and other reasons that will be discussed later, she sent him away before my great grandfather John was born.That was basically the last time anyone in my family heard from him. Mary took back the last name of her deceased husband, and the marriage to Julius was not talked about after that. It was as if he had not existed.

At some point in my genealogical research, I uncovered the existence of Julius but knew very little other than the record of the marriage. My great aunts did not want to talk about it. A number of years ago, I discovered some notes of my grandmother Esther Swenson Olsen in which she had interviewed her father John in 1954. It shed a little more light on the marriage. Then, I found some notes indicating that she had decided to find out what had happened to her long-departed grandfather Julius.She believed she had tracked him down to the town of Bartlett in Williamson County, Texas. I'm not sure how she accomplished this, but she apparently spoke to several of his relatives there. I'm not sure if they were in agreement that Julius Hessler and Julius Kuler were the same person, but nothing more came of it at the time.

Well, that was about all I knew until I was reading through the book Norge i Texas by Derwood Johnson in 2002 and ran across an entry for Julius Keeler which was very similar to Julius Hesler. I asked Derwood if knew any more about this family, but he did not. In 2006, Janet van Heyst was researching her great grandfather Julius and sent Derwood Johnson an email inquiring if he had additional information. Derwood forwarded the email to me, and I contacted Janet. Janet and I discussed the possible connection, but we really had no other information at the time other than just a little anecdotal evidence. I published what little I knew about Julius on my Swenson webpage.

Then on September 16, 2019, Steve Heimerle of San Francisco contacted me and said that one of his Norwegian cousins who was a great grandson of Julius had seen my webpage and wondered about the connection. Steve is the great great grandson of Julius's brother Theodore. Steve, along with cousins Roland Sannes in Norway (3-great grandson of Julius and Anne Larsdatter), Knut Lindelöf in Sweden (2-great grandson of Julius and Anne Marie Müller), and Norman Hessler (great grandson of Julius and Anne Marie Müller) in Scotland, had been researching Julius for years but had hit a roadblock after his disappearance from California in 1866. Steve and I corresponded and with the information Steve was able to provide and some that Janet van Heyst has supplied, we believe that we can conclude, at least to our satisfaction, that the Neils Julius Hessler from Norway and Calfornia, the Nils Julius Hessler from Bosque County, Texas, and the Julius Russell Kuler from Brazoria and Williamson County are one and the same person.

Much of the biography and evidence below comes from information provided to me by Steve Heimerle, the European cousins (Roland Sannes, Knut Lindelöf, Norman Hessler) through Steve, and Janet Van Heyst. Recently (October 2021), Maud Mårtensson, a genealogist in Sweden, contacted me about another partner and child of Nils Julius Hessler. She was helping a fellow genealogist Lars Skillius who was doing some genealogical research for his neighbor. So, I have added another relationship that resulted in children, bringing the total known partners of Nils Julius Hessler to six and known children to 12.

Additions and corrections to the information contained within are always welcome by contacting Bruce Wiland (, 512-443-2918, 1510 Oxford Ave, Austin TX).


Early Life in Norway/Europe

Julius was the third child of eight born to Johan Johansen Hessler (1806-1867) and Dorthe Marie Nilsdatter (1804-1883). Johan and Dorothy Marie were married in Oslo in 1838 when they were 22 and 24 years old, respectively. Johan was a master shoemaker.

Marriage Record of Johan and Dorthe Marie (entry #68)

These were their children:

1) Carl Edvard (1829-after 1849) - born in Son, Vestby, Akershus, Norway; emigrated to America in 1849 birth record (entry #59)
2) Johan "John" (1831-1878) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; emigrated to America sometime in or before 1860 birth record (#3)
3) Niels Julius (1833-1903) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; emigrated to America sometime in or before 1863 birth record (entry #1)
4) Gunda Sophie (1836-1858) -born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; married Ole Isaksen birth record (entry #9)
5) Bernhard Invald (1838-1870) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; birth record (entry #8)
6) Johanne Marie (1841-1848) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; died young birth record (#13)
7) Theodore Martin Luther Joachim (1843-1908) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; emigrated to America in 1868 birth record (entry #10)
8) Gottfried Oskar (1845-1905) - born in Skien, Telemark, Norway; remained in Norway birth record (entry #5)
*9) Georgina Aletta Hansen (1846-1908) - she was their foster child (pleiebarn) in 1865 census

Julius was born on 03 Nov 1833 in Skien, Telemark, Norway and baptized on 10 Jan 1834. His given name in the church records is "Niels Julius" although he seems to have gone by Julius most of his life, and Neils is sometimes spelled as Nils.

Baptismal Record of Niels Julius Hesler (Skien Ministerialbok nr.A5, 1814-1843, s.58, #1)
Baptismal Record of Niels Julius Hesler (Skien Klokkerbok nr.2, 1814-1842, s.573, #1)
Confirmation Record of Niels Julius Hesler (Skien Ministerialbok nr.6A, 1843-1856, s.189, #6)
Confirmation Record of Niels Julius Hesler (Skien Klokkerbok nr.4, 1843-1867, s.185, #6)

More about his early life in Norway and his first four wives/partners to be included here but for now read these:

Chapter 9 on Nils Julius Swenson from a booklet by Steve Heimerle (it was written in 2011, so some information may be in need of updating/correcting as a result of new discoveries)

Blog on Anne Marie Müller (in Swedish) by Knut Lindelöf (link) and an English translation, such as it is, using Google Translate (PDF)

Early Life in America and California

It is not exactly clear when Julius emigrated to America because there is conflicting information. The 1900 census record for Julius indicates that he emigrated in 1858. Anecdotal evidence and family stories indicate that Julius and his brother John emigrated to America together in 1858 although no ship record as been found yet. Their brother Carl Edvard had already emigrated to America in 1849, and perhaps they came to visit him. However, there is no record of Carl Edvard after his emigration to America. Although his brother John may have emigrated in 1858, it seems unlikely that Julius did unless he traveled to America twice since he has children born in Norway in 1859, 1860, and 1861.

A family story told by Janet Van Heyest, a great granddaughter from Julius's sixth family, says that the two brothers came here on a tour of the country. They ran through their money and were in New York awaiting passage back to Europe (or more money) when the news came of the California gold mines, and they headed to California. This story may be at least partially true because John is in the 1860 census living in Mariposa County, California as a shoemaker although Julius is nowhere to be found in this census.

Julius was a painter in California and sometime concert manager as evidenced by the folloing newspaper advertisements. Julius's first known advertisement in California ran on 13 Jun 1863, so he was in America by at least 1863. Julius's last advertisement in California ran on 03 Mar 1866, and he must have left California shortly thereafter.

Hessler's Location in California
(click image to enlarge)

Advertisement in The Mariposa Gazette
Mariposa CA, 13 Jun 1863
(click image to enlarge)

Ball/Concert Advertisement
Mariposa Free Press
Mariposa CA 15 Oct 1864
(click image to enlarge)

Painting Advertisement
Mariposa Gazette
Mariposa CA, 29 Oct 1864
(click image to enlarge)

Painting Advertisement
Mariposa Gazette
Mariposa CA, 15 Jul 1864
(click image to enlarge)

Painting Advertisement
Mariposa Free Press
Mariposa CA 03 Mar 1866
(click image to enlarge)

This is basically all we know of Julius's time in California.

Early Life in Texas and Bosque County

[Note: much of the following information comes from interview notes of John E. Swenson by his daughter Esther Swenson (Olsen) in 1954.]

Julius seems to have arrived in Texas in the early part of 1866. Mary Pierson Swenson, born as Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe on 16 Nov 1837 at Songe gård in what is now Arendal kommune in Aust-Agder fylke in Norway, had become a widow three years earlier when her first husband Nils Swenson died while coming home on furlough from the Civil War. She had two young children, Neil and Clara, and a farm to run. Julius Hessler, a good-looking debonaire man appeared in Bosque County and began to court her. This Nils Julius Hessler was from Skien, Telemark, Norway but spoke several languages and was a musician (especially with a violin). If Julius left California around March of 1866, this must have been quite a whirlwind romance. On 19 Apr 1866, Mary and Julius were married by Justice of the Peace J. W. Fields in Bosque County.

Marriage License of Julius Hessler and Mary Swenson
Bosque County (1866)
(click image to enlarge)

To this union, a son John Emmanuel was born. However, before John was born, Mary found a letter and probably a picture that bore evidence of another living wife. Also, Mary’s father Ole Pierson and Grandpa Berswen (father to her first husband) saw that Julius drank excessively and would stay drunk much of the time. They felt that the letter showed he was crooked as well, and the fathers thought he was only after Mary’s money and land. Hessler must have had very little if any property when he first appeared. Both fathers told him he must leave (they first told him it would be over if he got drunk again). They, along with Mary, felt Julius must go. It was reported that Mary gave him a pony, $100, and he took his fiddle (minus the case which his son John later got). Then Mary went to Judge Helton at Meridian and took back the name of her first husband. It is not clear whether there was a legal divorce, some sort of annullment, or just a name change. If Julius was divorced from his first wife Anne Marie before the marriage in Bosque County, then Mary may have still been legally married, even though she changed her married name back to Swenson.

After Hessler left, old man O.A. Arneberg came to Mary’s farm and lived there with the family for years. He had come from Hamar, Norway and stayed with Mary until John was about 10 years old. He worked for board and raised a few horses. He was sort of handy man about the house. Arneberg took John fishing when John was small. An old man named Knute Skimland told Arneburg that he had talked to a man Hessler near Thorndale,Texas, and he had made the remark that he had seen his son John when John was 7 years old. Hessler had been in Bosque County with a peddler, and he told Skimland that he had been by the farm and seen his son and gave him a little money purse. After the peddler left, old man Arneburg had remarked to Mary that the man with the peddler sure looked like Hessler, but he never revealed his identity at the time. This was the last report of Hessler in Bosque County and the last and only time John E. Swenson would have seen his father Julius.

Later Life in Texas as Julius R. Kuler

When Julius left Bosque County, it is not clear where he went because we have not found a 1870 census record for him. However, we have found two "Certificates of Intent" to become an American citizen, one in 1871 and one in 1872, both filed in Galveston, Texas. The "Petition for Naturalization" which is the final step in becoming a citizen has not been found, but the 1900 census indicates that he was a naturalized citizen.

County Locations of Julius in Texas
(click image to enlarge)

Julius von Kuler
1871 Certificate of Intent
(click image to enlarge)

Julius Kuler
1872 Certificate of Intent
(click image to enlarge)

By then, Nils Julius Hessler had changed his last name to Kuler, dropped his first name, and taken a middle name of Russell. Thus, he was now know as Julius Russell Kuler. It is not exactly clear from where this name derived, but Julius's great granddaughter (Janet van Heyst) said that her aunt told her that her husband had said that the kaiser of Germany had given the family the title von Kuhler (changed to Kuler over here) for something that they had done. It is unknown whether that information is true or not or whether it is an exaggeration of something that really did happen. It does seem clear that the family of Julius had some ties with royalty in Europe.

Julius apparently settled near or in Columbia in Brazoria County by 1879 where he met and married Kate Elizabeth Rogers on 26 March 1879. Kate was the daughter of James Speir Rogers. Julius had five children with Kate, two of which were born in Brazoria County. He continued his profession as a painter as evidenced by his occupation in the 1880 and 1900 census and an 1881 and 1882 newspaper advertisement. Another family story related to Janet van Heyst by her aunt is that Kate's father thought that Kate had married beneath her station because Julius was not a very good farmer. However, he does appear to have been a Justice of the Peace in Brazoria County in 1881.

Julius R. Kuler Family
1880 Brazoria County TX Census
(click image to enlarge)

Painting Advertisement
The Independent, Brazoria TX, 15 Apr 1881
(click image to enlarge)

Mentioned as Justice of the Peace
The Independent, Brazoria TX, 26 Aug 1881
(click image to enlarge)

Advertisement Advertisement
The Independent, Brazoria TX, 24 Nov 1882
(click image to enlarge)

Sometime between 1882 and 1886, Julius, Kate, and their two youngest sons moved from Columbia in Brazoria County, to Bartlett in Williamson County TX. The last three sons were born in Bartlett. Julius was the third mayor of Bartlett.

Julius R. Kuler Family
Bartlett, Williamson County TX (ca 1894)
[Photo courtesy of Janet Gentry van Heyst ]
(click image to enlarge)

Julius R. Kuler Family
1900 Williamson County TX Census
(click image to enlarge)

Julius died on March 27, 1903 in Bartlett TX at the age of 68 after having led a long journey and a lustful life. He had sired 12 offspring, many of which did not know the existence of their siblings.

J. R. Kuler Dead.

Mr. J. R. Kuler, a pioneer citizen of Bartlett died at his home here on March 27th, age 68 years. He was interred in the Bartlett cemetery. He had been in poor health for several months. Mr. Kuler was formerly engaged in mercantile business here and consequently was well known to all the old citizens. He was a native of Norway, but came to America in early life. He was a fine musician and a man of scholarly attainments. The remains were laid to rest in Bartlett cemetery Saturday afternoon. The Tribune extends sympathy to the bereaved wife and children.

Julius R. Kuler Gravestone
Bartlett Cemetery
Obituary from The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett TX, Vol. 17, No. 50, Ed. 1, Friday, April 3, 1903

Are Neils Julius Hessler and Julius Russell Kuler the Same Person? Judge for Yourself.

Neils Julius Hessler was born on 03 Nov 1833 according to the baptismal record in Norway.
Julius Russell Hessler was born on 03 Nov 1835 according to his gravestone. However, 1900 census gives his birth as Nov 1833. The gravestone is probably in error about his birth year.

Look at the similarities of the Julius Hessler painting advertisement from Mariposa, California in 1864.
Look at the similiarities of the Julius Kuler painting advertisement from Brazoria County, Texas in 1881.

Advertisement in The Mariposa Gazette
Mariposa CA, 29 Oct 1864
(click image to enlarge)

Advertisement in The Independent
Brazoria TX, 15 Apr 1881
(click image to enlarge)

Although taken some 30+ years apart, compare their photos. They have very similar facial features.

Why Julius chose to change his name to Kuler or von Kuler is still a mystery. Julius was supposedly educated at least partly in Germany. Janet Van Heyst, his great granddaughter, says that an aunt told her that the kaiser of Germany had given the family the title von Kuhler (changed to Kuler over here) for something that they had done. There is still more to Julius's story to unravel.



The Wives and Partners of Julius Hessler

Julius had children by 6 different women, three of whom he married and three he did not. If there is a link for a wife or partner below, click on it to see further information on them. All of the links open in a separate tab.


Maren Haagensen

Maren Haagensen, the daughter of Hans Jacob Haagensen and Andrea Boug, was born in Moss, Østford, Norway on 26 Sep 1834. Julius and Maren did not marry and had one child together, Frederikke Wilhelmine (1856). Maren later married Frederik Wilhlem Holst in Moss on 06 Jun 1858 and had three more children, Fritz Emelius Holtz (1859), Carl Siegfred Holst (1861), and Angelica Emilie Holst (1865). Maren died on 10 Jun 1909 at the age of 74.

Birth/Baptismal Record of Maren (Moss Ministerialbok nr.I6, 1829-1844, s.36, #140)
Marriage Record of Maren Haagensen and Frederik Wilhelm Holst (Moss Ministerialbok nr.I8, 1852-1869, s.244, #12)
Death/Burial Record of Maren Holst (Uranienborg Ministerialbok nr.8, 1898-1936, s.109, #37)
1865 Census Record of Maren Holst født Haagensen (Folketelling 1865 for Moss prestegjeld, 0019 Storgaden, s. 47, #5) or digitized version
1875 Census Record of Maren Holst (Folketelling 1875 for Kristiania kjøpstad, 2972 Oslo Strangade 10, s. 8764, #2) or digitized version
1885 Census Record of Maren Holst (Folketelling 1885 for Kristiania kjøpstad, 0277 Bispegaden 10, s. 9504, #2) or digitized version
1900 Census Record of Maren Holst (Folketelling 1900 for Kristiania kjøpstad, 0009 Professor Dahls Gade 17, s. 73207, #2) or digitized version


Maren Andrea Larsdatter

Maren Andrea Larsdatter, the daughter of Lars Larsen and Ingeborg Hansdatter, was born in Solum, Telemark, Norway on 24 May 1828. Julius and Maren did not marry and had one child together, Julie Marie (1857). After Maren became pregnant, she went to live with her sister Ingeborg Larsdatter and Ingeborg's husband Christian Anton Andersen in Trølling. Currently, nothing is known about what happened to Maren after the birth of her child Jule Marie. Maren may have died sometime before 1865 because Julie Marie is living on Østby nordre in Trølling with the family of Andreas Thorsen as a "fattiglem" (a pauper).

Baptismal Record of Maren Andrea (Solum Ministerialbok nr.I4, 1814-1828, s.135, #22)


Anne Marie Müller

Anne Marie, the daughter of Jacob Kruuse Müller and Laura Hansine Christiane Thorkildsdatter, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark on 08 Feb 1834. Julius married Anne Marie on 23 Jun 1857 in Solum, and they had three children, Dorthe Marie (1857), Jacob Kruuse Müller (1859), Charlotte Catharine Amalie (May 1860). The 1865 census for Anne Marie said that her husband had been in America for five years, so Julius must have left shortly before or after Charlotte was born. Anne Marie remarried in 1870 to Hans Christian Olai Kolstad and had three more children.

Marriage Record of Anne Marie Müller and Niels Julius Hesler (Solum Ministerialbok nr.I7, 1856-1864, s.246, #16)
1865 Census Record of Anne Marie Hessler født Müller (Folketelling 1865 for Skien prestegjeld, 0304 !!, s. 623, #21) or digitized version


Anne Larsdatter

Julius and Anne were unmarried and had one child together, Herman (Jun 1861).


Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe
(aka Mary Pierson Swenson)

Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe, the daughter of Ole Pedersen Songe and Anne Helene Olsdatter Flangeborg, was born at Songe gård in what is now Arendal kommune in Aust-Agder, Norway on 16 Nov 1837. At the age of 15, Olena Marie emigrated to America, arriving in New Orleans in 1853. The family then travelled to Texas, eventually arriving at the Norwegian settlement of Four Mile in Kaufman County where they stayed for three months and then to Dallas County where they stayed for 9 months. Finally, the family moved to Bosque County where the State of Texas was offering free land to attract settlers. Olena Marie (now known as Mary Pierson) married Nils Swenson in the Norse Community of Bosque County on 22 Dec 1859 at the age of 22. Mary and Nils had two children, Clara Anne Swenson (1860) and Neil Marion Swenson (1863). Nils died in 1863 during the Civil War while on furlough from the army and on his way home. Thus, Mary was a widow with two young children when she met Julius Hessler. They were married in Bosque County on 19 Apr1866. Mary became pregnant but subsequently discovered that Julius had not been entirely truthful about his past. Mary sent Julius away, and the marriage was dissolved before the child, John Emmanuel Swenson (1867), was born. She took back her married name of Swenson and continued to run the farm. In about 1893, she moved in with her daughter Clara in Clifton. Mary died on 15 Oct 1930 at her daughter Clara's home in Clifton, Texas. She is buried in the Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in Clifton.

Baptismal Record of Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe (Tromøy Ministerialbok nr.A4, 1837-1846, s.62, #4)
Confirmation Record of Olena Marie Olsdatter Songe (Tromøy Ministerialbok nr.A5, 1847-1856, s.146, #3)
Marriage Record of Oline Mary Swenson and Julius Hesler (Bosque County Marriage Records, Vol. B, Pg. 71)
Mary Swenson Illness (The Clifton Record; Clifton, Texas; Vol. 36, No. 32; Friday, October 10, 1930; p.5)
Mary O. Swenson Passes Away (The Clifton Record; Clifton, Texas; Vol. 36, No. 33; Friday, October 17, 1930; p.1)
Marie O. Swenson Obituary (The Clifton Record; Clifton, Texas; Vol. 36, No. 34; Friday, October 24, 1930; p.1)


Kate Elizabeth Rogers

Kate, the daughter of James Speir Rogers, was born on 11 July 1855 in Texas. Julius married Kate on 26 Mar 1879, and they had five children . The first two children, Julius Russell Kuler Jr. (1880) and James Speir Kuler (1881), were born in Brazoria County, but then the family moved to the town of Bartlett in Williamson County where Oscar Godfred Kuler (1886), Grover Cleveland Kuler (1888), and Marcus Oliver Kuler (1890) were born. Kate's husband Julius died in 1903, and Kate continued living in Bartlett (she was living on Elm Street in 1910). She died in Bartlett on 10 Oct 1917 at the age of 62. She is buried in the Bartlett City Cemetery.

1900 Census Record of Kate E. Kuler (1900 census, Williamson County, Texas, p.90A, #18)
1910 Census Record of Kate E. Kuler (1910 census, Williamson County, Texas, p.68A, #19)
Mrs. K. E. Kuler Passes Away (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 32, No. 19, Friday, October 12, 1917, p.1)

The Children of Julius Hessler

Julius had 12 children (that we know of). If there is a link for the child below, click on it to see further information on that child. All of the links open in a separate tab.

Children of Julius and Maren Haagensen:


Frederikke Wilhelmine Holst

Frederikke Wilhlmine was born in Oslo, Norway on 01 Jun 1856. Her father Julius was 22 years old at the time, and she was the first child of Julius, as far as we know. Her mother Maren and Julius did not marry, and when Frederikke was two years old, her mother married Frederik Wilhelm Holst. Frederikke then took her step-father's last name for her own. Frederikke married Ludwig Christian Ringe on 25 Jul 1878 in Grønland, Oslo, Norway, and they had seven children, Fredrik Wilhelm (1879), Christian Georg (1880), Hans Christian (1882), Fritz Brøllund (1884), Anna Fredrikke (1889), Ella Margareta (1892), and Meta Viktoria Constance (1894), all born in Olso. In the 1910 census, she was living in Sweden. Frederikke died in Stockholm, Sweden in 1938 at the age of 82.

Baptismal Record of Frederikke Wilhelmine (Rikshospitalet Ministerialbok nr.4, 1853-1870, s.58, #49)
Baptismal Record of Frederikke Wilhelmine (Rikshospitalet Dåpsbok nr.2.1, 1854-1860, s.120, #99)
Confirmation Record of Frederikke Wilhelmine Holst (Grønland Ministerialbok nr.5, 1869-1880, s.51, #1)
Marriage Record of Frederikke Wilhelmine Holst and Ludwig Chrisan Ringe (Grønland Ministerialbok nr.6, 1877-1886, s.34, #107)
1865 Census Record of Frederikke Wilhelmine Holst (Folketelling 1865 for Moss prestegjeld, 0019 Storgaden, s. 47, #5)
Children of Julius and Maren Andrea Larsdatter:


Julie Marie Juliusdatter

Julie Marie was born in Tjølling, Telemark, Norway on 12 Jul 1857. She left Tjølling for Hedrum in 1881 according to out-migrant records but must have returned to Tjølling afterwards. Julie had six children with three different parters/husbands. She had one child, Johan Magnus Edvardsen (1886), with Edvard Olsen while she was unmarried. She then married Anton Olsen in 1887 and had two more children before Anton died in 1893. She then remarried to Hans Kristian Hansen in 1897 and had three more children. Julie died in Skien in 1939 at the age of 82.

Baptismal Record of Julie Marie link (Tjølling Ministerialbok nr.6, 1835-1859, s.111, #12) or image only
Marriage Record of Julie Marie Juliusdatter and Anton Olsen (Tjølling Ministerialbok nr.9, 1887-1905, s.246, #14
1865 Census Record of Julie Marie Juliusdatter (Folketelling 1865 for Tjølling prestegjeld, Østby nordre, s. 70, #5) or digitized version
1875 Census Record of Julie Marie Julusdatter (Folketelling 1875 for Tjølling prestegjeld, Varild østre, s. 748, #8) or digitized version
1900 Census Record of Julie Juliusdtr (Folketelling 1900 for Tjølling herred, Vik østre, s. 571, #2) or digitized version
1910 Census Record of Julie Hansen (Folketelling 1900 for Tjølling herred, 0081 Vik østre) or digitized version
Children of Julius and Anne Marie Müller:


Dorthe Marie Hessler

Dorthe Marie was born in Skien, Telemark, Norway on 23 Oct 1857 and died 14 days later on 06 Nov 1857.

Baptismal Record of Dorthe Marie (Skien Ministerialbok nr.7, 1856-1865, s.15, #109)
Death Record of Dorthe Marie (Skien Ministerialbok nr.7, 1856-1865, s.248, #72)


Jacob Kruuse Müller Hessler

Jacob was born in Skien, Telemark, Norway on 03 Jan 1859. He became a successful ship owner and timber merchant in West Hartlepool, England. He married twice and had one child with May Bastow and four children with Christiane Johanne Andersen. He died in West Hartepool, England on 12 Mar 1938 at the age of 79.

Baptismal Record of Jacob Kruuse Müller (Skien Ministerialbok nr.7, 1856-1865, s.29, #12)


Charlotte Catharine Amalie Hessler

Charlotte was born 21 May 1860 in Skien, Telemark, Norway. She married John Oscar Lundwall and had eight children. She died in Sweden in 1950 at the age of 90.

Baptismal Record of Cathrine Charlotte Amalie (Solum Ministerialbok nr.17, 1856-1864, s.75, #77)
Baptismal Record of Chatrine Charlotte Amalie (Solum Klokkerbok nr.14, 1859-1876, s.13, #44)
Children of Julius and Maren Andrea Larsdatter:


Herman Juliussen

Herman was born at Rikshsopitalet in Olso, Norway on 12 Jun 1861. He married twice. He had five children with Abrahamine Gulbrandsdatter and one child with Hulda Amalie Augustsdatter. Herman died in Tinn on 15 May 1940 at the age of 78.

Baptismal Record of Herman (Rikshospitalet Ministerialbok nr.4, 1853-1870, s.142, #33)
Baptismal Record of Herman (Rikshospitalet Dåpsbok nr.2,2, 1860-1868, s.25, #67)
Children of Julius and Oline Marie Olsdatter Songe (Mary Pierson Swenson):


John Emmanuel Swenson

John was born in the Norse Community of Bosque County, Texas, USA on 17 Jan 1867. He married Mary Gelena Rea in 1891, and they had six children (Georgie Marie, Esther Kyle, Carroll Emmanuel, Wilma Gladyce, and John Glenn). John was a dry goods merchant in Clifton TX. He died in Clifton TX on 01 Apr 1957 at the age of 90. He is buried in the Clifton Cemetery in Bosque County, Texas.

Children of Julius and Kate Elizabeth Rogers:


Julius Russell Kuler Jr

Julius Jr was born in Brazoria County, Texas, USA on 06 Apr 1880. In 1899, he left home and went to Chicago, where he remained until his death, at which time he was superintendent of the Thompson chain of cafes in Chicago -- 200 in number. He married Lena M. Olsen in 1901, and they had one adopted child named Russell Julius (the son changed the spelling of his last name to Keeler). Julius died in Chicago, Illinois on 01 Apr 1927 at the age of 46. He is buried in the Bartlett City Cemetery in Williamson County, Texas.

1880 Census Record of Julius R. Kuler Jr. (1880 census, Brazoria County, Texas, p.125A, #3)
1900 Census Record of Julius R. Kuler Jr. (unlocated)
1910 Census Record of Julius R. Kuler Jr. (1910 census, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, p.1A, #8)
1920 Census Record of Julius R. Kuler Jr. (1920 census, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, p.68A, #30)


James Speir Kuler

James was born in Brazoria County, Texas, USA on 20 Nov 1881. He married Henrietta Antoinette "Nettie" Hempel in 1917, but they had no children. James died in Bell County, Texas on 03 Mar 1970 at the age of 88. He is buried in the Bartlett City Cemetery in Williamson County, Texas.

1900 Census Record of James S. Kuler (1900 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.90A, #19)
1910 Census Record of Julius S. Kuler (unlocated)
Marriage of James Speir Kuler and Nettie Hempel (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 31, No. 45, Friday, April 13, 1917, p.8)
1920 Census Record of Julius S. Kuler (1920 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.118A, #7)
1930 Census Record of Julius S. Kuler (1930 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.90A, #19)
1940 Census Record of Julius S. Kuler (1940 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.107A, #21)
1950 Census Record of Julius S. Kuler (1950 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.14-12, #5)


Oscar Godfred Kuler

Oscar was born in Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, USA on 12 Mar 1886. He married Effie Lee Bowling and had three children (Oscar Godfred, Mary Elizabeth, and Ruth Charlotte). In 1915, he was living in Temple, Texas. He was living in Marshall, Harrison County, Texas between 1916 and 1918 and was living in Beaumont, Texas between 1920 and 1930. By 1940, the family was living in Dallas. He died in Dallas, Texas on 10 Feb 1981 at the age of 84, as the last remaining child of Julius. He is buried in the Laurel Land Memorial Park Cemetery in Dallas, Texas.

1900 Census Record of Oscar G. Kuler (1900 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.90A, #20)
1910 Census Record of Oscar Kuler (1910 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.68A, #20)
Promoting Hotel in Taylor (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 29, No. 43, Friday, April 16, 1915, p.6)
1920 Census Record of Oscar G. Kuler (1920 census, Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, p.59B, #94)
1930 Census Record of Oscar G. Kuler (1930 census, Jefferson County, Texas, p.7B, #80)
1940 Census Record of Oscar G. Kuler (1940 census, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, p.3191B, #71)
1950 Census Record of Oscar G. Kuler (1950 census, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, p.259-450,#14)


Grover Cleveland Kuler

Grover was born in Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, USA on 16 Aug 1888. In the 1920 census, he was single and living as a boarder on Jackson Street in Bartlett. He married Marguerite Isaac in 1922, but they had no children. In the 1930 census, he and Marguerite were living at 117 Bell Street in Bartlett. In 1950, he and Marguerite were living on the east end of Bell Street. Grover was a barber in Bartlett for over 50 years. He died in Bartlett, Texas on 11 Jul 1952 at the age of 63 and is buried in the Bartlett City Cemetery in Williamson County, Texas.

1900 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1900 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.90A, #21)
1910 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1910 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.68A, #21)
1920 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1920 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.244A, #28)
1930 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1930 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.94A, #34)
1940 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1940 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, p.107B, #52)
1950 Census Record of Grover C. Kuler (1950 census, Bartlett, Bell County, Texas, E.D. 14-12 Sht.3, #17)
Obituary for Grover C. Kuler (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 65, No. 37, Friday, July 18, 1952, p.1)


Marcus Oliver Kuler

Marcus was born in Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, USA on 28 Oct 1890 when his father Julius was 56 years old. He was the last child of Julius. Marcus married Eula Bernice King in 1912, and they had two children (James Oliver and an infant daughter who died in infancy in Thorndale, Texas). In 1918, Marcus and his family moved from Thorndale, Texas to Port Arthur, Texas. He died in Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas on 03 Aug 1920 at the age of 29. He is buried in the Bartlett City Cemetery in Williamson County, Texas.

1900 Census Record of M. O. Kuler (1900 census, Bartlett, Williamson County, Texas, p.90A, #22)
1910 Census Record of M. O. Kuler (1910 census, Williamson County, Texas, p.68A, #22)
Death of Infant Daughter (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 32, No. 50, Friday, May 24, 1918, p.6)
Move to Port Arthur (The Bartlett Tribune, Bartlett, Texas, Vol. 32, No. 51, Friday, May 31, 1918, p.6)
1920 Census Record of Marcus O. Kuler (1920 census, Jefferson County, Texas, p.55B, #92)
Obituary for M. O. Kuler (The Houston Post, Houston Texas, Vol. 36, No. 125, Friday, August 6, 1920, p.9)

Hessler-Kuler Family Tree

By current count, Julius had 12 children, 43 grandchildren, and 56+ great-grandchildren. Those shown in red are known to be deceased.
--- indicates that they did not have any offspring;      ??? indicates that it is not known whether they had offspring;      (a) indicates adopted

The relationship between those in the First Generation is as siblings.
The relationship between those in the Second Generation is as siblings or first cousins, depending on the family unit.
The relationship between those in the Third Generation is as siblings, first cousins, or second cousins, depending on the family unit.

Forebears First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
(great grandchildren)
Niels Julius Hessler Kuler Frederikke Wilhelmine Holst Frederik Wilhelm Ringe ---
Christian Georg Ringe Gunvor Inger Maria Ringe
Brita Ingeborg Maria Ringe
Hans Christian Ringe Hans Christian Ringe
Bergliot Fredrikke Ringe
Else Marie Ringe
Anna Margrethe Ringe
Fritz Brøllund Ringe Edmee Ringe
Margot Ringe
Anna Frederikke Ringe ---
Ella Margretha Ringe Gustaf Lettström
Ingrid Carolina Lettström
Fredrik Wilhelm Lettström
Lill-Meta Lettström
Meta Viktoria Constance Ringe Anders Bruno Liljefors
Bengt Anders Liljefors
Julie Marie Hesler Johan Magnus Olsen ???
Karl Antonsen ???
Nilsine Antonsdatter ???
Henny Matilde Hansdatter Vik John Henning Gustavsen
Karl Johan Vik Gustavsen
Erna Gustavsen
Bjørg Gustavsen
________ Gustavsen
________ Gustavsen
Kamilla Juliane Hansdatter Vik ???
Johan Arnulf Hansen ???
Dorthe Marie Hessler --- ---
Jacob Kruuse Müller Hessler Daisy Jane Hessler Alan Kirk
Geoffrey Kirk
Jacob Andrew Norman Hessler ???
Signe Vera Hessler John Richard White
Christopher Norman Hessler White
Jacob Kruse Muller Hessler ???
Charles Anderson Hessler Geraldine Hessler
Norman Hessler
Charlotte Catharine Amalie Hessler Oscar Jacob Lundwall ---
John Percy Lundwall John Lundwall
Inga-Karin Lundwall
Lars Lundwall
Maria Eurika Lundwall ---
Celine Charlotte Lundwall ---
Kitty Lundwall ---
Harald Jakob Lundwall ???
Carl Gilbert Lundwall ???
Constance Molla Lundwall Barbara Peters
Monica Peters
Herman Juliussen Jennie Annora Juliusdatter Torger Hagen
Herman Gotfred Hesler Øistein Hesler
Guttorm Hesler
Reidar Hesler
Kari Bjørg Hesler
Øisten Leo Juliussen ---
Liv Juliusdatter ---
Oskar Emil Juliussen ---
Herman Juliussen Torbjørn Asgeir Juliussen
John Emmanuel Swenson Georgie Marie Swenson Esther Doris Anderson
George Washington Anderson Jr
Esther Kyle Swenson Virginia Marie Olsen
Annis Louise Olsen
Carroll Emmanuel Swenson John David Swenson
Wilma Gladyce Swenson Rea Mortimer Berry
Barbara Ann Berry
Mamie Olena Swenson ---
John Glenn Swenson ---
Julius Russell Kuler Jr Russell Julius Keeler (a) Russell Lee Keeler
David Lee Keeler
Kenneth Lee Keeler
Bruce Lee Keeler
James Speir Kuler --- ---
Oscar Godfred Kuler Oscar Godfred Kuler Jr Klarice Kuler
Merrily Kuler
Mary Elizabeth Kuler Janet Suzanne Gentry
Jeanne Elizabeth Gentry
Ruth Charlotte Kuler Carol Ruth Ashford
Elmo Roy Ashford Jr
Grover Cleveland Kuler --- ---
Marcus Oliver Kuler James Oliver Kuler William James Kuler
Sue Nell Kuler


Nils Julius Hessler as a young man
(date unknown - ca 1857-1860?)
(click image to enlarge)

John Swenson as a young man
(date unknown)
(click image to enlarge)

Julius R. Kuler Family
Bartlett, Williamson County TX (ca 1894)
[Photo courtesy of Janet van Heyst ]
(click image to enlarge)