

The Family of Tidemand Olsen Merket-Hilmen and Guri Alfsdatter Hilmen

photo   photo
Tidemand Olsen Merket-Hilmen
  Guri Alsdatter Hilmen


This site is dedicated to providing and soliciting genealogical information (photos, documents, stories, etc.) on the family of Tidemand Olsen Merket-Hilmen and Guri Alfsdatter Hilmen. The Hilmen Family came from the Valdres region of Norway. Valdres is a valley in Oppland fylke in central Norway and is comprised of the following six kommune: Etendal, Nord-Aurdal, Sor-Aurdal, Vang, Vestre Slidre, Østre Slidre (see map).

Additions and corrections to the information contained within are always welcome by contacting Bruce Wiland (, 512-443-2918, 1510 Oxford Ave, Austin TX).

Biography of Tidemand Olsen Merket-Hilmen and Guri Alfsdatter Hilmen

Tidemand Olsen Merket was born in 1803 on the Merket farm in Aurdal, Nord-Aurdal, Norway, the first child of five born to Ole Tidemandsen Dahl-Merket and Eli Pedersdatter Deglum. He was baptized 07 Aug 1803 according to his confirmation record. His baptismal record has not yet been found. Tidemand was confirmed in Aurdal kirke on 02 Aug 1818 while living on Merket.

Confirmation Record of Tidemand Olsen Merket (Nord-Aurdal Ministerialbok nr.2, s.248, #2)

Tidemand's wife, Guri Alfsdatter, was born in 1807 in Ulnes, Nord-Aurdal, Norway, the child of Alf Jensen Rognass and Astri Olsdatter Hilmen, out of wedlock. She was baptized 28 Jun 1807 in Ulnes kirke. Guri was confirmed on 04 Aug 1822 in Skrautvål kirke while living on Hilmen.

Baptismal Record of Guri Alfsdatter (Aurdal Ministerialbok nr.7, s.81)
Confirmation Record of Guri Alfsdatter (Nord-Aurdal Ministerialbok nr.2, s.268, #4)

Tidemand and Guri married on 09 Jan 1830 in Ulnes kirke. At the time of marriage, Tidemand was 26 years old and living on Merket, and Guri was 24 years old and living on Hilmen. They had nine children.

Marriage Record of Tidemand and Guri (Nord-Aurdal Ministerialbok nr. 3, s.148, #16)

Tidemand emigrated to the United States in 1852 at age 50 with his daughter Eli. His wife Guri came in 1860 at age 54 with children Ole, Tidemand, and Peder. There is conflicting information concerning the dates of immigration. Some sources say Tidemand may have arrived in 1853, and other sources say he went back to Norway in 1863 and returned to America with the rest of his family. Tidemand died in 1877 and is supposedly buried in a cemetery in Mishicot, Wisconsin. Guri died in 1884 and is buried in Jambo Creek Cemetery in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.

Their Children

Tidemand and Guri had nine children. One daughter died young in Norway, but the other eight all emigrated to America. Click on one of the children below (if there is a link) to see further information on that child.


Astrid Tidemandsdatter Hilmen [1832-1886] (emigrated to the United States in 1867; married Knud Olsen Rye (Rea); 10 children; died in Texas at the age of 53)


Eli Tiemandsdatter Hilmen [1834-1914] (emigrated to the United States in 1853; married Peder Hansen; 12 children; died in Michigan at the age of 79)


Ole Tidemandsen Hilmen [1836-1908] (emigrated to the United States in 1862; married Siri Olsdatter Bøe; 8 children; died in North Dakota at the age of 71)


Olia Tidemandsdatter Hilmen [1839-before 1843] (no descendants; died young at the age of 4 in Norway)


Ole Tidemansden Hilmen [1841-????] (emigrated to the United States in 1860; not currently known what happened to him after he emigrated)


Olia Tidemandsdatter Hilmen [1843-1880] (emigrated to the United States in 1862; married Ole Thomassen Helle (Thompson); 9 children; died at the age of 36)


Bjørn Tidemandsen Hilmen [1846-1920] (emigrated to the United States in 1860; married Anna; 3 children; died in Wisconsin at the age of 74)


Tidemand Tidemansen Hilmen [1848-1929] (emigrated to the United States in 1860; never married; no descendants; died in Wisconsin? at the age of 81)


Peder Tidemansen Hilmen [1851-1897] (emigrated to the United States in 1860; married Sigrid Maria Døvre Thoresen; 7 children; died in Minnesota? at the age of 46)


Tidemand and Guri Hilmen
(date unknown)

Hilmen Family Tree (four generations)

Tidemand Olsen Hilmen and Guri Alfsdatter Hilmen had 9 children, 49 grandchildren, 125 great grandchildren, and 121 known great great grandchildren. Those shown in red are known to be deceased. "---" indicates that there were no descendants because the person died young, did not marry, or was known to have no children. "?" indicates that it is not know whether there were descendants. As of June 1, 2016, we have identified 469 total descendants.

Forebears First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
(great grandchildren)
Fourth Generation
(gg grandchildren)
Tidemand Olsen Merket-Hilmen Ole Tidemandsen Hilme --- --- ---
Astri Tidemandsdatter Hilmen O.K. Rea John Oliver Rea ---
William Andrew Rea Wilford Paul Rea
Baby Boy Rea
James Oliver Rea
Mary Marguerite Rea
William Andrew Rea Jr
Anna Louise Rea ---
Helen Julia Rea Rea Christian Bronstad
David Albert Bronstad
Albert Sterling Rea ---
Emma Malinda Rea Carolyn Olena Blom
Kathryn Doris Blom
Mary Josephine Blom
Virginia Rea Blom
Otto Newton Rea Nancy Rea
Peter Baker Rea
Herman Paul Rea Herman Talton Rea
Edna Roselie Rea Kathleen LaDuke
Diana LaDuke
Edward Frizzell LaDuke
Patricia LaDuke
Marguerite Tennie Rea ---
Mary Nell Rea Dortha Nell Dawkins
Rose Mary Dawkins
T.K. Rea Alma Dorothy Rea Robert Hughes Millwee Jr
Helen Aletha Millwee
Bettie Lou Millwee
Clarence Arthur Rea ---
Melvin Oscar Rea ---
Clara Lillian Rea Dorothy Lillian Anderson
Thomas William Anderson
James Weldon Anderson
Elsie Galena Rea Rea Coley Tenney
Edward Benjamin Tenney
Helmer Rea ---
Elmer Norman Rea ---
Alvin Milton Rea ---
Baby Boy Rea ---
Randy Rea Oscar Sterling Smith Robert Oscar Smith
John Clifford Robin Smith
Imogene Elizabeth Smith
Lettie Eleanor Smith Harold Glen Smith
Nettie Esther Smith Colleen Elizabeth Hopper
Quincy Alvin Smith ---
Guri Knudsdatter Oppen --- ---
Peder Rea --- ---
H.K. Rea Mary Elisabeth Rea ---
Jennie Louise Rea ---
Oscar John Rea Emma Estelle Rea ---
Marvin Vernon Rea ---
Lois Alleen Rea ---
Bernie Rea ---
Oscar John Rea Jr ---
Baby Boy Rea ---
Clara Dorothy Rea ---
Esther Hilmen Rea ---
Ann Elizabeth Rea John Lewis Williams
Susan Rea Williams
Scott Morris Williams
Gelena Mary Rea Georgie Marie Swenson Esther Doris Anderson
George Washington Anderson Jr
Esther Kyle Swenson Virginia Marie Olsen
Annis Louise Olsen
Carroll Emmanuel Swenson John David Swenson
Wilma Gladyce Swenson Rea Mortimer Berry
Barbara Ann Berry
Mamie Olena Swenson ---
John Glenn Swenson ---
Emma Sophia Rea Rea Thomas Hoff Elva Sue Hoff
Glennie Pauline Hoff Beverly Ann Zent
John Edward Hoff Barbara Ann Hoff
Candace N____ Hoff
Clara Pauline Rea --- ---
Eli Tidemandsdatter Hilmen Anne Marie Hansen Walter Hartho ---
Clara Sophie Hartho ---
Chester Theodore Hartho Willard G____ Hartho
Coretta E____ Hartho Mary E____ Osier
Luella E____ Osier
Luella C____ Hartho Robert A____ Laing
James Douglas Laing
Martin Johannes Hansen ??? ???
Julia Mathilde Hansen Elsie S____ Greene ???
William Henry Greene Harriet A____ Greene
Elizabeth Greene
John M____ Greene ________ Greene
________ Greene
Thommine Sophie Hansen ??? ???
Louis Amandus Hansen Roy Hansen ???
Mabel Hansen ???
Lawrence Hansen ???
Muriel Hansen ???
Theodore Emil Hanson Evelyn Marie Hanson Thomas Elmer Nelson
Richard Edward Nelson
Roy Ellsworth Nelson
Harry Emmet Nelson
Norman G____ Hanson ---
Harold T____ Hanson ---
Grace Elizabeth Hanson Elizabeth Shuler
Ellen N____ Hanson ---
Roy Edward Hanson ---
Rodney Louis Hanson Ellen Martha Hanson
Priscilla Ann Hanson
Sylvia Jean Hanson
Edythe Lois Hanson Donald Raymond Gervais
David Robert Gervais
Mark Stephen Gervais
Gary William Gervais
Gregory Paul Gervais
Suzanne Marie Gervais
Allen Louis Gervais
Christopher Martin Gervais
Otto Severin Hansen Otto Severin Hansen Jr ???
Douglas H____ Hansen ???
Lester H____ Hansen ???
Emma Pauline Hansen Helen M____ Nelson ???
Harold V____ Nelson Alice Ruth Nelson
Margaret Pauline Nelson
Mabel L____ Nelson Baby Mursch
Paul Olaf Nelson Anne Arlene Nelson
Sandra Lee Nelson
Hanna Emilie Hansen ??? ???
Hans Tidemand Hansen Mildred F____ Hansen ???
Margaret P____ Hansen ???
Herbert L____ Hansen ???
John P____ Hansen ???
Nora Emilie Hansen Paul Orin Garthe Beverly Joan Garthe
Sonja E____ Garthe
Margaret Christine Garthe Antonia M____ Knutson
Garth J____ Knutson
Stanley H____ Garthe Barbara Garthe
Marlene Garthe
Joan Garthe
Stuart Garthe
Norma Luella Garthe Kathlyn Sue Karkau
Kevin Leigh Karkau
Charles Alfred Karkau
Paul Garthe Karkau
Donald Theodore Garthe Norma Garthe
John Garthe
Donald Garthe
Roberta Garthe
Paulette Garthe
Peter Joe Garthe
Helen Garthe ???
Ella Veronica Hansen Elsie Mildred Severinsen Marge Nygaard
George M____ Nygaard
Judy Nygaard
John T____ Severinsen John Alden Severinsen
Margaret Luella Severinsen
Jeanne Ann Severinsen
Janice Mae Severinsen
Otto T____ Severinsen Walter Severinsen
Anita Jean Severinsen
Cheryl Ann Severinsen
Mary Severinsen
Chester Peter Severinsen Carol Joyce Severinsen
Nancy Lou Severinsen
Joan Shirley Severinsen
Herbert A____ Severinsen Arlene Severinsen
Barbara Severinsen
Billy Severinsen
Gary Michael Severinsen
Patricia Severinsen
Karen Severinsen
Denis Severinsen
Ole Tidemandsen Hilmen Tidemand Olsen Hilmen --- ---
Clara Marie Hilmen --- ---
Clara Marie Hilmen Oskar Osai Oppen ???
Selma Amanda Oppen ---
Otto Elmer Oppen ---
Clarence Mendley Oppen Bernadene Clare Oppen
Elmer Amandus Oppen Harold Richard Oppen
Helen A____ Oppen
Marian Clara Oppen
Elwood M____ Oppen
Selmer Walter Oppen ???
Orin Chester Oppen ???
Richard A____ Oppen ???
Julie Olava Hilmen --- ---
Julius Tidemand Hilmen --- ---
Otto Emil Hilmen Evelyn Selma Hilmen Genevieve Agnes Aubol
Arnold W____ Aubol
Lois Evelyn Aubol
Chester Aubol
Orrin Arthur Hilmen ---
Clarine Mathilde Hilmen Dorothea Lee Lund
Hilmen Lund
Oscar Hilmen ???
Orrine Andrea Hilmen Richard Porter Stark
John Erling Stark
Alford Thideman Hilmen ---
Richard Theodore Hilmen Richard Theodore Hilmen Jr
Erling Otto Hilmen Dale Arthur Hilmen
Marcia Jane Hilmen
Patricia Joan Hilmen
Alf Hilmen Genevieve Hilmen ???
Helen L____ Hilmen ???
Oscar Severin Hilmen Irving Oscar Hilmen ---
Chester Arthur Hilmen ???
Phyllis Hilmen (a) Gracia Claire Fulwiler
Veryl Loren Fulwiler
Kathleen Marie Fulwiler
Tina Oline Hilmen ??? ???
Olia Tidemandsdatter Hilmen d.y --- --- ---
Ole Tidemandsen Hilmen ??? ??? ???
Olia Tidemandsdatter Hilmen d.e Clara Olava Thompson --- ---
Gelena Marie Thompson Roy Gordon Egeland ---
Leslie Helle Egeland Lenora Egeland
Orrin Clarence Egeland Audrey Julie Egeland
Carole Nadine Egeland
Helen Esther Egeland ---
Dorothy E____ Egeland ???
Truman Olaf Egeland ???
Helen I____ Egeland Theodore Antos Jr
Emma Sophie Thompson --- ---
Anne Thomine Thompson Douglas Harold Samuelson June Alice Samuelson
Carol Anne Samuelson
Gloria Jean Samuelson
Thomas Alfred Thompson Olivia Eleanor Thompson Donald Keith Helgeson
Janice Marie Helgeson
James Gordon Helgeson
Orin Theodore Thompson David Orin Thompson
John W____ Thompson
Paul Edward Thompson
Marilyn Adele Thompson
Agnes Christine Thompson James Edward Hampton
Susan Ann Hampton
Raymond Clarence Thompson Charles James Thompson
Robert John Thompson
Richard Carl Thompson
Mathilde Dorthea Thompson --- ---
Hilma Theodora Thompson Stanley Gordon Samuelson Keith Albert Samuelson
Ruth Adele Samuelson
Mary Theodora Samuelson
Robert Stanley Samuelson
James Samuelson Kae Samuelson
Donald Samuelson
Francis Albert Samuelson Albert Samuelson
Roger Samuelson John Samuelson
Susan Samuelson
James Samuelson
Donald Samuelson ---
Dorothy Samuelson ---
Oscar Tidemand Thompson --- ---
Elise Birthine Thompson --- ---
Bjørn Tidemandsen Hilmen Theodore Hilmen --- ---
Clara Geline Hilmen --- ---
Alfred C____ Hilmen --- ---
Tidemand Tidemandsen Hilmen --- --- ---
Peder Tidemandsen Hilmen Tina Hilmen ??? ???
Gerhard Benjamin Hilmen --- ---
Gunda B____ Hilmen --- ---
Theodore Hilmen --- ---
Oscar Hilmen --- ---
Alfred C____ Hilmen --- ---
Hannah Amanda Marie Hilmen ??? ???